Sunday, June 8, 2014

Stories Vol 1: Arriving in Bangkok

Minneapolis Airport; ready to fly
International flights are always a dreaded part of the travel journey. As much as I try to look at them in a positive light, I can't help but just want to BITCH about them. I'm working on it.
Most of my dislike of flights has to do with the fact that I never know how hungry I'm going to be and whether or not I will actually be able to sleep while en route. For those that know me, you know eating is my favorite past time. #fatkidmoments
To make the flight as great as possible, I grabbed from target en route to the airport:
an avocado
two bananas
one apple
One bag of Annie's Cheddar Snack Mix
One can of mixed planters nuts
One protein bar
a bottle of Night-time Sleep Aid from Target.
Now if you didn't think that was enough food, rest assured, I also grabbed a giant Cobb Salad from Ike's in the Airport. I was on a mission not to be hungry at any point in the journey! In hind sight, I totally forgot that while having a great spread of snacks is fantastic for an extended flight, it requires a sense of self control and moderation. I do not possess either of these things. I killed through the food with the exception of half the can of nuts in the first 4 hours of the 11 hour journey. Whoops. :)

With that said, when I finally arrived in Tokyo, I was bloated like a cow from the pressure and copious amount of salt that I had consumed. My feet and ankles looked huge.  Unfortunately, the two hour layover in Tokyo did little to curb the swelling.
Having drugged myself to sleep on the flight to Tokyo (Sleep cocktail = 2 parts red wine and 3 parts night time sleep aid pills) I knew I needed to find away to make sure that I wouldn’t get too much sleep on the next flight to Bangkok, after all, we were going to land at 11pm. Lucky for me, "Frozen" was a choice on the movie list. I might have watched it twice and done a little bit of lip singing. I thought most people were asleep for that part but I might have been caught by a guy on his way to the bathroom mid "Do you want to build a snowman." Julie, my roommate, is now officially justified for not watching this movie with me. I have no shame.

When all is said in done, getting into Bangkok was incredibly easy. Minus the 2 hour delay at the Thai Airport caused by in their words a "light rain fall" the travel was quite quick and I really wasn't bothered or anxious with all of the down time. I came with no plans or itineraries and so I had no expectations to be let down by when delays and obstacles presented themselves.

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